- 《论语》 15.30
Confucius said:" To have faults and not to rectify them - this, indeed, should be pronounced having faults.
- Analects of Confucius, 15.30
- 《论语》 15.30
Confucius said:" To have faults and not to rectify them - this, indeed, should be pronounced having faults.
- Analects of Confucius, 15.30
Saturday, January 29, 2011
高二考完SPM后学院深造 独中高三生越来越少 (星洲日报,26/1/2011)
Friday, January 14, 2011
母親崩潰一度拒收慰恤金 「我不要錢,我只要孩子」(东方新闻网,9/1/2011)
2011-01-09 19:08
- 校方及董家協成員在靈前致祭,右起為黃厚賜、鄭東旺、林榮華、陳佛康、黃昌良及黃慶義。(圖:星洲日報)
- 華聯國民型中學童子軍向死者致予最后的敬意。(圖:星洲日報)
- 死者母親安妮在孩子舉殯時傷心欲絕,親友及姚天和在旁安慰。(圖:星洲日報)
- 死者吳瑞欽(圖:星洲日報)
- 華聯國民型中學銅樂隊在靈前奏起《友誼萬歲》,象征與死者的友誼長存。(圖:星洲日報)
- 親友及師生同學們,送吳瑞欽走完人生最后的一程。(圖:星洲日報)
- 死者父親吳正華(右)目睹兒子遺體被焚化,神情悲痛。(圖:星洲日報)
- 目睹案發過程的童軍,被召集到學校接受心靈輔導。(圖:星洲日報)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Confucian Private Secondary School----To Restore Its Former Glory?
(Sin Chew Daily, 4 January 2011)
As an alumnus of Confucian Private Secondary School, I was, of course, ecstatic when I saw this newspaper article. Even though Confucian doesn’t seem to make it in newspapers as frequently as it did before the replacement of the headmaster, this newspaper clipping about the new school year was enough to prod me to start writing an article for my blog.
A thought occurred to me when I saw the four Chinese characters “重振雄风” in the heading of the newspaper article…But it would not be wise to speak (or write) of something you are unsure of, so I searched online and found that my previous assumption wasn’t far from the truth: “重振雄风” can be roughly translated as “to restore its former glory after a period of backwardness, decline and stillness”.
The first conception that got into my head was, since Confucian is now going to “restore its former glory”, doesn't this mean that Confucian has been “backward”,” declining” and “still” at some time in the past?
Sunday, January 9, 2011
For the English version of this article, please click here.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
為什麼社會好像越來越亂? 其中一個原因是不懂裝懂的人太多。
什麼是「不懂裝懂」?用成語說得文雅一點,但恐怕很多人不瞭解的這句「成語」, 就是「大愚若智」;坊間不標準的華語就叫做「假會」。
Monday, January 3, 2011
人人都會希望,新年伊始,萬象更新。萬象更新人人都會說, 都會期望;但是,萬象是否能更新,不是說了就能更新,就能實現;萬象能不能更新,全得看腦袋有沒有改變。有一句成語非常有意思,那就是「洗心革面」,在我看來,萬象能不能更新,全得看大家願不願意洗心革面。
Sunday, January 2, 2011
言必信!(English version)
子贡问曰:“何如斯可谓之士矣?”子曰:“行己有耻,使于四方,不辱君命;可谓士矣。” 曰:“敢问其次?”曰:“宗族称孝焉,乡党称弟焉。” 曰:“敢问其次?”曰:“言必信,行必果;硁硁然小人哉!抑亦可以为次矣。” 曰:“今之从政者何如?”子曰:“噫!斗筲之人,何足算也!”
Zi Gong asked, “What qualities must one possess to entitle him to be called an officer?” Confucius said, “One who conducts himself with a sense of shame, and when sent to any quarter will not disgrace his prince’s commission, deserves to be called an officer.”
Zi Gong pursued, “May I ask who may be placed in the next lower rank?” and he was told, “He whom his clan calls filial and his fellow villagers and neighbors call fraternal.”
Zi Gong pursued, “May I ask who may be placed in the next lower rank?” and he was told, “They who keep to their word and follow through in their actions. They are obstinate little men, yet they may make the next class.”
Finally Zi Gong inquired, “Of what sort are those who engage in government of the present day?”
The Master said, “Pooh! They are men with little tolerance, why even take them into account?”
- Analects of Confucius, 13.20
During my days in Confucian, the term “eClass” was frequently heard. eClass is our “online school”. School staff and students have their own eClass accounts. Before I left the school, I would login to finish the online exercises and assignments our teachers prepared, or to check out the school’s latest news, or just to check my iMail inbox or send iMails (an ‘iMail’ is similar to an e-mail, but it’s sent and received through the eClass system). As far as I know, many other schools also use the eClass system, such as Tsun Jin High School and Chung Hwa Independent High School. This is the login page for Confucian’s eClass:
My apologies – I am unable to show you screenshots of what the system looks like after one logs in, due to the fact that my eClass account has been deleted…or, I don’t know, after trying repeatedly and still failing to login means that your account has been deleted, right?
Saturday, January 1, 2011
For the English version of this article, please click here.
子贡问曰:“何如斯可谓之士矣?”子曰:“行己有耻,使于四方,不辱君命;可谓士矣。” 曰:“敢问其次?”曰:“宗族称孝焉,乡党称弟焉。” 曰:“敢问其次?”曰:“言必信,行必果;硁硁然小人哉!抑亦可以为次矣。” 曰:“今之从政者何如?”子曰:“噫!斗筲之人,何足算也!”
子贡问曰:“何如斯可谓之士矣?”子曰:“行己有耻,使于四方,不辱君命;可谓士矣。” 曰:“敢问其次?”曰:“宗族称孝焉,乡党称弟焉。” 曰:“敢问其次?”曰:“言必信,行必果;硁硁然小人哉!抑亦可以为次矣。” 曰:“今之从政者何如?”子曰:“噫!斗筲之人,何足算也!”
子贡问道:“怎样才可以算作士人?”孔子说:“一言一行自己要有羞耻之心,出使别国,能很好地完成君主的使命,可以算作士了。”子贡又问:“请问次一等的 呢?”孔子说:“本宗族的人都称赞他孝顺,乡亲们都称赞他敬爱兄长。”子贡又问:“请问再次一等的呢?”孔子说:“说话一定算数,办事一定完成,尽管 是一个浅薄固执的小人物,也可算作更次一等的士了。”子贡又问:“现在那些掌权的怎么样?”孔子说:“唉!那些器量狭小的人,算得了什么!”
我在尊孔独中求学期间,常常会听到 “eClass”这个字眼。eClass 就是我们的“校园电子教室”,教职员、学生等都有各自的eClass户口。退学之前,我登入eClass的目的,不是为了完成老师在eClass给的网上习作,就是去看看学校有什么最新消息,或是检查和发送iMail(即eClass里面的e-mail)。据我所知,其他学校如循人中学、隆中华独中等等都有使用eClass系统。以下是尊孔独中的eClass登入页面:
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