
- 《论语》 15.30
Confucius said:" To have faults and not to rectify them - this, indeed, should be pronounced having faults.
- Analects of Confucius, 15.30

Tuesday, November 22, 2011












Tuesday, November 15, 2011


“大學者,非大樓也,大師之謂也。”這句清華老校長梅貽琦的名言,套在中小學身上,或許有點勉強。雖說名師未必總能出高徒,但若在天真爛漫的年紀, 能有良師益友在其側,對於芸芸學子,何嘗不是好事。“師者,所以傳道受業解惑也。”這是韓愈對師道的看法。教不嚴,師之惰,三字經反覆朗誦的,則是對為師 者的叮嚀。而一日為師,終身為父這句俗語,試圖表達我們社會一種尊師重道的價值觀。

於是,無論該議題是否已被政治化,當人們談及英語教數理時,太多意見把焦點放在前後名詞上,卻很少有人願意將目光投向短句的中心——英語“教”數理 ——師資的重要性。就如多數人評價母語教育時,總是將“使用母語”提昇為某種道德訴求,卻把作為主語的“教育”,理解為“只要用母語,效果自然好”的理所 當然。也就如他們在讚揚中國科技進步時,只談其教育的媒介語,卻不提體系本身,尤其是師資層面的完善與否。


如今的中國,除了窮鄉僻壤的鄉區學校不算,城市裡的小學師資幾乎篤定是大學畢業,一些大城市的中學甚至只招聘研究生當老師。大學裡,純理科系不是票 房毒藥,有時甚至還比文科系熱門。這些數目龐大的理科生,不會因為害怕畢業後沒飯吃而選擇工科或商科,他們既有奔月的理想,也知道自己在大國市場裡的價 值。當中很多人也選擇到中小學或留在大學教書,這不僅是中國知識分子的傳統,也是現代公務員制度的驅動。

所以,以“中國用華語,效果自然好”,從而推導出“母語教數理”的優越論者,可說是完全忽視了上述客觀環境的美麗誤會。全國獨中,數理科教師越來越 稀有,有的學校甚至每一季都要“登報求師”,足以說明師資短缺問題有多嚴重。即使屬於國民教育體系,許多華小到今天還在靠臨教維生,情況自然好不到哪去。 現今體系內,師資的空缺,究竟何時能填滿,著實是令人不安的未知數。而任何支持“英語教數理”的務實論者,彷彿是在夢想我國的英語數理課程編排和師資培 養,如今也將和一個大馬商店、餐廳、望遠鏡一樣,陸續安心到位。





Friday, November 11, 2011













Tuesday, October 18, 2011

一封还未回复的信·An Unreplied Letter




The link above will take you to an open letter written by my parents to the Headmaster of Confucian Private Secondary School.  I personally handed the letter to Mr. Phoon on July 18, 2011.  Today is October 18, exactly 3 months from the date he received the letter.  My parents are still waiting for his reply.

Saturday, October 8, 2011






我们是贵校的一群家长,我们除了在日前收到由贵校发出一封要求我们献捐林连玉纪念馆建馆经费的公函外,又看到10月6日的南洋商报报道,说 你还准备派我们的子弟出外募捐。


正当整个华社对“林连玉基金”的合法性提出质疑甚至报案的时候,林连玉已不幸的成为一个争论性的人物。林连玉纪念馆的事,不是已经由一个名叫“LLG文化发展中心有限公司 ”的公司公开进行吗?我们如果要捐,早就捐了,何必烦劳董事长?是不是因为LLG公司最近面对了捐款困难而改向我们尊孔独中家长下手?


1. 我们送我们的子弟到尊孔独中,付了所有费用,你的责任就是为我们的子弟提供教育服务,我们的子弟何来义务为你们出外募捐?

2. “教育法令”和“雇佣法令”允许你这样做吗?

3. 万一我们的子弟在外出事,你有为他们购买意外保险吗?

4. 你有付他们工资及补偿他们因失去学习时间和精力所造成的损失吗?

除了上述涉及法律的问题,我们也认为此事也牵涉到原则的问题。要学生为一个前任老师建纪念馆(还不是为尊孔独中筹募经费) 而出外募捐,此例一开,如果你董事长日后生意失败面临破产,难道也因为你对尊孔有贡献,而要动员全体学生为你出外捐款解救你的破产吗?





Monday, October 3, 2011

Thoughts on 'How to improve our children’s English skills?'


I have been told since young that English is very important.  My father constantly reminded my brother and I to master the English language, and my mother encouraged us to watch English cartoons and read English storybooks to strengthen our English foundation.  Our family’s conversations were also mostly in English, so as to let my brother and I learn how to speak English fluently.  Today, I must thank my parents’ careful guidance, for without it English would not be one of the languages that I can communicate in, and I would not be able to read, listen, speak and write in English.  Ironically, it was also the careful guidance mentioned above that would lead to many amusing incidences between my brother and I, and certain former English teachers of ours.

When my brother was in kindergarten, his English teacher once attempted to educate her students on the names of various human body parts.  She pointed to her cheeks, and said, “This is ‘chin’,” then she proceeded to point to her chin, and said, “This is ‘cheek’.”  My brother immediately pointed out that she had mixed the two body parts up, to which she insistently replied that she was not wrong.  When my brother went home, he told our parents about this, and my mother went to the kindergarten to ask about this matter.  The teacher said she would check it up, but in the end the matter remained unresolved, and the teacher continued to let her poor kindergarten students confuse their “cheeks” with their “chins”.

How to improve our children’s English skills? — Lim Mun Fah (The Malaysian Insider, 17/9/2011)

SEPT 17 — We have been told since young that English is very important. Even my father, who does not know how to read English, had kept telling me so.

Today, I’m telling my children the same thing: English is really important!

However, their English skills are even worse than my poor English.

It is an undeniable fact that not only my children, but many young Malaysians, regardless of primary school leavers or university graduates, have poor English skills.

Our English standard used to be ranked among the highest in Asia as Malaysia used to be a British colony.

Oops! Our former prime minister said that we have never been colonised as the British were just invited to give advice here.

Today, English symbolises status and authority.

English-stream schools were abolished in the 1970s and even though English language lessons have been retained, its standard has plummeted.

Even if we shut our eyes and cover our ears, we still have to admit that English is an international language, as well as the language of science and technology. It is playing an increasingly important role in politics, economy, culture, education and communication.

Everyone knows the fact, including our politicians.

Therefore, many of them have recruited home tutors for their children or sent their children abroad to learn English. This is in fact an open secret.

Due to the dropping English standard, former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad realised years ago that we must do something to save the situation. Therefore, the first step to rescue our English standard was taken, which was to teach Science and Mathematics in English.

However, it was another wrong decision. Why should they teach Science and Mathematics in English but not improve English language lessons?

Therefore, the Education Ministry decided to abolish the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English policy in phases and set the ultimate goal of restoring the policy of teaching Science and Mathematics in the vernacular or Bahasa Malaysia by 2014.

It remains an issue over whether such a change is a correct or incorrect move.

Today, the Education Ministry has come out with a new policy in which a new syllabus will be introduced while 300 foreign English language teachers will be recruited. The ministry is also planning to make English a compulsory pass at the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM).

I am not an education expert and thus dare not jump to conclusions. However, I am worried about our children, who have mastered neither their mother tongues nor English. Meanwhile, our officials have been stressing the competitive advantages brought by mastering English but neglected its connotation of humanities. How should we improve our children’s English skills under such an environment and attitude? — mysinchew.com


Ensure sufficient English teachers before making subject compulsory, govt told (The Star, 3/10/2011)

Monday October 3, 2011 


PETALING JAYA: Parents and teachers say that the move to make English a compulsory pass subject in national examinations needs strong supporting structures to succeed. 


Parent Action Group for Education Malaysia (PAGE) chairman Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim said the proposal to make English a must pass subject in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examinations was a good move.


 “At the same time, we need to ensure there are enough English teachers to properly teach the subject.

“Otherwise it will be unfair to impose English as a compulsory subject if students are not being equipped to do well in the subject. As it is, teachers are still teaching subjects that they are not trained for,” she added.

Yesterday, MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said a timetable should be set to make English a compulsory pass subject in the SPM.

“Mother tongue languages should also be encouraged and eventually made compulsory in all national schools.

“If such initiatives are planned properly with a staggered timeline, they are achievable,” he said in his speech at the MCA's 58th annual general assembly yesterday.

Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (Melta) president Dr Ganakumaran Subramaniam said students needed to be provided with opportunities to use English within the school environment.

“This need not be confined to just classroom lessons; students can be encouraged to use the language in school projects or co-curricular activities.

“The methodology of teaching English should also be more motivational and interesting to better engage students.

“There is no one solution to solving the issue; there needs to be a comprehensive and integrated approach,” he said.

A secondary school English teacher from Selangor said that examinations alone were not enough to ensure students were able to master English.

“The current assessment system does not adequately determine whether students have basic English language skills.

“If the examinations were useful, then all our students should have no problem with English because the passing rates and number of top scorers in the subject keep increasing,” she said.


Saturday, September 24, 2011


(For the English version of this article, please click here.)



哥哥在幼儿园时,他的英文老师曾在课堂上教同学们人体各部位的名称。老师指着她的脸颊,说:“This is ‘chin’.”(这叫‘下巴’),然后指着下巴,说:“This is ‘cheek’.”(这叫‘脸颊’)。哥哥当场就告诉老师,她把’chin’和’cheek’给弄倒反了,可是老师依然坚持她没有错。哥哥就回家告诉了爸妈,妈妈就到幼儿园询问此事。那老师说她会再去查查,但事情到最后也不了了之,老师也没再向同学们澄清什么。



Sunday, August 7, 2011

Open Letter to the Headmaster of Confucian Private Secondary School


This letter was given to Mr. Phoon on  18 July, 2011, and my parents are still waiting for his reply.  (Please read "我们会再见")

15 July 2011

The Headmaster
Mr. Phoon Wing Keong
Confucian Private Secondary School
Lorong Hang Jebat,
50150, Kuala Lumpur.

Dear Mr. Phoon,

Re: Open Letter to the Headmaster of Confucian Private Secondary School

First of all, allow us to express our congratulations on your recent appointment as Headmaster of Confucian Private Secondary School.  It is indeed a relief to see that the unfortunate state of affairs of the past few months has come to end.  As the parents of a former student of your school, we would like to politely bring to your attention certain events of the past that you may not be aware of.  We also humbly request your reply on several issues and questions that have been left unanswered, albeit our numerous efforts on obtaining a response from your school.

1.      Lack of teachers for SPM subjects

Our daughter, Ee Sun Zhe, formerly of class S2Sc in the year 2010, sat for her SPM examination in that same year.  However, there were no permanent teachers for certain subjects, including Sejarah, Biology and Physics.  Being concerned parents of our child’s education, we made enquiries about the matter.  The Head of the Academics Department, Mdm. Wong Yet Foong, told us that she was trying her very best to hire teachers for the relevant subjects (apparently, from what we’ve heard from other parents, this has been happening every year).  In the month of May, however, we saw that despite Mdm. Wong’s very best efforts, the problem remained unsolved.  Hence, we decided that it was best for our daughter to spend her Saturdays attending SPM tuition classes instead of attending extra-curricular activities at school.  Towards the end of the year, extra classes were held during the school holidays.  However, no permanent teachers had been hired even when the SPM examinations had commenced.  We also did not receive a reply to our letter that we had sent to her regarding this matter (please refer to Attachment 1). 

Let us remind you that we, and also the parents of other SPM examinees, have dutifully paid for the fees of your school’s SPM classes.  As such, we expect your school to provide the appropriate teachers for the SPM lessons, which your school did not.  Let us also remind you that had your Academic Department been able to carry out its responsibilities as it had promised, tuition classes would not have been necessary for my daughter, and the expenses paid would have gone to a better cause.  Furthermore, extra classes during the holidays would also have been unnecessary had the original SPM lessons been conducted during their original school hours. 

Our daughter also heard from this year’s SPM examinees that there is also a lack of teachers for certain SPM subjects this year.  If this is true, we urge you to look into this matter to prevent the unhappy events of the previous years from repeating.  Also, we would like to question a certain statement made by your school’s Deputy Headmistress, Mdm. Teh Kim Hong in a newspaper article (please refer to Attachments 2&3).  Her statement that we would like to make an inquiry about is as follows:


According to our understanding, this statement means that “the school has arranged for teachers to coach the students in the SPM subjects, and has applied strict teaching methods, unambiguously.”  This is contrary to what our daughter has experienced in your school, and we have been utterly confused as to which version of the story is actually the truth.  Of course, there is a possibility that we have misunderstood the words of Mdm. Teh.  Therefore, it would be much appreciated if you would kindly ask Mdm. Teh to clarify what she means by (if our translations are correct) “the school has arranged for teachers to coach the students in the SPM subjects”, “strict teaching methods”, and “unambiguously”.

2.      The Senior One Jungle Camp (高一野外营)

When our daughter was in Senior One, we were told that she had to attend the camp mentioned above.  Initially, we did not allow her to attend this camp, because we felt that this was a dangerous and also unnecessary activity.  However, our daughter was informed that students who did not attend this camp would be unable to graduate from your school.  It was only after hearing this that we allowed our daughter to attend the camp against our better judgement.

Shortly after our daughter applied for her School Leaving Certificate at the end of last year, we met with Deputy Headmaster Mr. Teoh Hua Chai.  During this meeting, we wanted to confirm with him whether or not it was indeed compulsory for every student to attend this camp, or else they would not be able to graduate.  He said that it was the school’s policy that every student must attend this camp at least once during their senior years, and students that did not do so would be unable to graduate.

However, according to a statement in Facebook posted by your school’s Head of Co-curricular Activities Department Mdm. Chang Siang Min on 29 March 2011 (please refer to Attachment 4), the school has no such policy.  In her statement, she requested the Senior One form teachers and students to stop their false accusations against the school that the school would withhold the graduation certificates of students who did not attend the camp.

Again, we are confused as to which version is true.  Hence, we would also appreciate it if you would kindly ask Mr. Teoh and Mdm. Chang to clarify their previous statements to avoid further confusion.

3.      The requirements for a child to study at Confucian Private Secondary School

In the same conversation mentioned above with Mr. Teoh, we also asked if it was possible for the parents of a student to oppose this policy, to which he replied that parents do not have the right to do so.  He further stated that the school does not have the obligation to listen to the opinions of every parent.  Our next question was, if we had stated that our child was unable to attend this camp due to health or other such reasons, could the school have exempted her from attending the camp?  Mr. Teoh then expressed that our daughter was unsuitable to study at Confucian Private Secondary School.

We would like to stress the point that this condition was not mentioned when we enrolled our daughter at Confucian in 2006 (please refer to Attachment 5).  Also, given the fact that our daughter had always been doing well academically at your school, we were taken aback when Mr. Teoh informed us in front of our daughter that she was unfit to study at Confucian Private Secondary School.  If attendance of the jungle camp is indeed a requirement for a child to study at your school, we suggest that you make sure all parents are well-informed of this condition before their child’s enrollment.  We would also appreciate it very much if you could ask Mr. Teoh to clarify what type of student is the most suitable to be enrolled at your school.

Lastly, we would like to state that our family has had many unpleasant experiences during our daughter’s five years at Confucian Private Secondary School.  We believe that to achieve your “quality education” (“优质教育”) as mentioned at your school’s website, we suggest you listen to the public and parents’ opinions and suggestions.  Please feel free to call us (019-XXXXXXX or 019-XXXXXXX).

As Peter Drucker once said, doing the right thing is more important than doing things right.  We sincerely hope that we will be able to see Confucian Private Secondary School regain its former glory under your governance and guidance.

Thank you.

Yours truly,

………………………                                                     ………………………
Daniel Ee                                                                           Chua Choo Him

(Click picture to enlarge)
Attachment 1

Attachment 2

Attachment 3 

Attachment 4

Attachment 5


(For the English version of this article, please click here.)


Lorong Hang Jebat,
50150, Kuala Lumpur.                                                               2011715




1.       欠缺SPM科目老师

小女余孙治,于2010年就读高二理,也在同一年应付SPM考试。然而,贵校并没有为一些SPM科目(包括Sejarah, BiologyPhysics科)聘请老师。当我们向校方查询此事时,教务处主任黄月凤老师告诉我们她正在尽全力尝试聘请有关科目的老师(据说,她每一年都必须要尽全力尝试解决这个问题)。但是,到了五月份,我们发现黄月凤主任即使尽了全力,也无法解决这个问题。因此,我们为小女安排于每逢星期六上校外的SPM补习课,不允许她到校参与联课活动。到了年底,校方于学校假期期间安排了临时的SPM补课,但是直到SPM考试开始的那一天,校方还是无法聘请某些SPM科目的老师。而我们写给黄月凤主任的公函(请参阅附件1),至今没有收到任何回复。





2.       高一野外营





3.       一个孩子在尊孔独立中学求学的基本条件与资格






…………………………                                                       …………………………  
余昌海                                                                               蔡楚鑫






Tuesday, July 19, 2011







不久之后,周会开始了。我站在一旁听着刚刚上任的潘永强校长在台上讲话,而我手中紧握着一封非常重要的函件。它是一封我爸妈写给潘校长的公开信, 而爸妈吩咐我今天把它转交给潘校长(公开信的内容,迟些会在此部落格与大家分享)。于是,潘校长讲话结束后,我就在数位行政主任面前,把函件交了给潘校长,而他收到后点了点头,说他待会会看。




总值:三百五十尊孔币 ($CPSS 350.00)



想了一会之后,我决定了这三百五十尊孔币,我一分都不会用。我必须好好把它保存下来做纪念,因为它是证据。它能够证明尊孔独中没有忘记我们这批2010年的SPM考生,也能让下一代知道这就是尊孔独中给SPM考生的奖励 ---- 一叠必须在一个月之内用完的尊孔币。


