我也欢迎各位对这个部落格提供意见,更希望各位可以在此发表您的文章!您也可以用笔名发表,本人绝不会公开您的身份。您可以通过发送电子邮件至 unrectified1530@gmail.com联络我。
Good day!
After leaving school, I've realized that one of its side-effects is -- Free time is in abundance! Since I still have quite some time before I further my studies, I've decided to spend some time to start a blog, which is the website that you're now browsing -- "Unrectified".
In this blog, I'll be focusing on my days in Confucian, since they're still fresh in my memory. I'll also be posting some relevant newspaper or internet articles, which may be found at the News Alert page. I'll also share some jokes or meaningful quotations that I come across at the Jokes/Quotations page. In the long run, provided that this blog appeals to the masses, I do very deeply hope that "Unrectified" becomes a space for Confucian-ers (and also non-Confucian-ers who are interested!)to gather and speak their minds! You may also have noticed that the articles in this blog are written in two languages, English and Chinese. I'll do my best to write all my articles in these two languages in the hope that more people are able to enjoy this blog.
Of course, I also hope that I can receive your feedback, suggestions, criticism, etc towards this blog. It would be even better if you want your articles published here! Articles, whether or not they are signed with your real name or a pseudonym, are very much welcome here. If you decide to use a pseudonym, let me assure you that under no circumstances will I reveal your identity. Emails can be sent to unrectified1530@gmail.com if you wish to contact me.
My best wishes to everybody^^