
- 《论语》 15.30
Confucius said:" To have faults and not to rectify them - this, indeed, should be pronounced having faults.
- Analects of Confucius, 15.30

Thursday, March 31, 2011

真真假假·Truth or Lies?

Who is telling the truth?


Exhibit A: An official letter to Confucian Private Secondary School (click picture to enlarge)

内容翻译(Translation of contents)





2.            据本人的了解,贵校在SPM物理及生物科还未聘请教师为考生进行SPM辅导班。

3.            现在已是20105月,考生将于数月后应试。本人担心小女将没有足够的时间为SPM考试作好准备。

4.            为了克服以上的问题,本人决定于每逢周六及周日为小女安排SPM科目的补习。因此,小女将不克出席贵校于周六安排之学校活动以及联课活动,直至SPM考试结束。

5.            若有任何疑问,请联络Mr. Daniel Ee


c.c. 尊孔独中董事会


2010年的5月份,尊孔独中的SPM考生还处于混乱状态,一些科目在校方的保证之下报考了,结果呢?别说上课,一些科连老师都没有请到来。写公函的时候,还以为事情糟糕得不能再糟糕了。怎知道呢,SPM历史科随后也变成没有老师教了。至于English for Science and Technology(EST)科,教务处则用“基于只有四个人报考此科,校方觉得没有必要为这些考生作任何准备。”这句话,就摆脱任何责任了。至于物理及生物科,校方有什么解决方案?校方就找了一些校外老师补一补几堂课,补课的次数呢,用几只手指就数得完了,而且补课时有时无,学生在学校假期期间特地回校补课,去了才发现老师没来,所以补课取消。不相信我?我们来看看物证二。

It was the month of May, year 2010, and the SPM examinees of the year in Confucian Private Secondary School were still in a state of chaos.  We had taken certain SPM subjects under the assurance of the school that they would provide, and what had happened?  The school had not even hired teachers for some subjects, let alone arrange classes for us.  At the time this letter was written, I thought that things could not get any worse.  Little did I know that not long after, we were suddenly deprived of an SPM History teacher.  As for the English for Science and Technology(EST) subject, the Academic Department of the school was able to worm its way out of any responsibility with “As there are only four students who have taken the subject, the school feels that it is unecessary to prepare any classes for them.”  And what about Physics and Biology, what did the school do to solve the problem?  The school considered the problem “solved” by setting up extra classes for us, and engaging several teachers from outside the school to coach us.  The number of times these extra classes were held can be counted just by using our fingers, and what’s more, these extra classes were not consistently held.  Students would go back to school during the holidays just to attend these classes, and would be told that the teacher was absent and class had been cancelled.  Don’t believe me?  Let’s take a look at Exhibit B.


Exhibit B: Another official letter to Confucian Private Secondary School(Click picture to enlarge)
内容翻译(Translation of contents)




若有任何疑问,请联络Mr. Daniel Ee




Extra classes were arranged to solve the problem, but the classes were cancelled from time to time…So was the problem actually solved? Time to take a look at Exhibits C and D.


Exhibit C: My School Leaving Certificate(Click picture to enlarge, scroll down to see partial translation)

Reason of Leaving: Parents are dissatisfied with the teaching approach of the school (Such as being unable to hire SPM teachers)


物证四:《尊孔独中成绩标青   7科目100%及格》 (点击图片放大)
Exhibit D: (Title of newspaper clipping roughly translated as: ) Excellent Results of Confucian Private Secondary School, 100% passes in 7 subjects(Click picture to enlarge, scroll down to see partial translation)
Rough translation of words underlined in red:
(Deputy Headmistress Teh of Confucian Private Secondary School: )“…But the school has arranged for teachers to coach the students in the SPM subjects, and has applied strict teaching methods, unambiguously.”


So, even though this problem was one of the reasons I left the school at the end of the year, it appears that Deputy Headmistress Teh seems to think that the problem was solved!  Or was it because that she had nothing to do with the affairs of the Academic Department, and whatever she had expressed was just information that Deputy Headmaster Teoh, and the Head of the Academic Department Madam Wong had supplied to her?  Then, does this mean that Deputy Headmaster Teoh and Madam Wong feel that the problem has been solved, or does this mean that these two people supplied Deputy Headmistress Teh with wrong information?
Does this mean that someone among them is telling big fat lies?
Or do you think that the liar is me…?  I have produced evidence, do you still not believe me?  If that is the case, kindly produce YOUR evidence together with your side of the story, and let everyone have a look.  Don’t just sit there in your little corner and whisper.